Venice Urban Lab
Taking Action Through Design
Dialogues for the city: Urban Regeneration
Debate on the future of the Marine one and the Scomenzera
Great participation Monday, November 14 at the first debate organized by Venice Urban Lab as part of the initiative "Dialogues for the city" on unused or underused spaces and on Urban Regeneration. Focus in particular on the area of Marittima and Scomenzera.
The meeting attended by many professionals, citizens, young people and students, was held in the Laboratory Unisve, a productive space of excellence in the field of restoration that opens to the city to host debates and moments of civic encounter as on this occasion.
Representatives of the Associations that supported and co-organized the initiative, Venice Calls, Sumus Community and Progetto Rialto, as well as of Unisve itself, were present and participated.
After an excursus of important but unrealized plans on the harbour area from 1985 to today, I have concluded the introduction with a vision that, with a collage of plans of Contest, Thesis of degree of Laboratories of planning Iuav, prefigures the port as a large green lung for the city with equipment for sports, leisure, for living and working.
A provocation or a possible reality? A concrete utopia?
The "Settimo Sestiere" already hypothesized in a similar debate during the Festival del Mare in 2008?
The result was a lively debate with several contributions: the creation of an "attractive buffer" composed of theaters and cinemas; a pole of local artisan production; the creation of a public squero, the creation of an energy community, an acceleration center for the energy transition of Venice focused on boating.
Finally, there has been talk of new regulations allowing the temporary use of unused or underused spaces with innovative operating methods to be tested.
The debate is very current in sight of a promoted Ban from the Harbour Authority that would have to exit at the beginning of 2023.
Per questo proseguiremo con un’azione congiunta delle associazioni già impegnate ed altre associazioni interessate per informare e coinvolgere la cittadinanza nel ridisegno di questa importante porzione di città!
For this we will continue with a joint action of the associations already engaged and other interested associations to inform and involve the citizens in the redesign of this important portion of the city!